Major League Hacking 2017 Hackathon Season


We've got all the info you might ever need to know about travel to HackNC. For example, horses are bad for interstate travel. Did you know that?

Location and Parking

We have a new venue this year! HackNC will be hosted in Fetzer Gymnasium, just steps away from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's iconic Bell Tower. Our approximate address is:

210 South Road
Chapel Hill, NC 27599

Free parking is available over the weekend everywhere on campus, but we recommend the following decks:

When Should I Arrive?

Plan to arrive after 7pm Friday but before 8am Saturday. Sleeping spaces will be available Friday night, but talks and hacking don't begin until Saturday.

Travel Reimbursements

The following travel reimbursement plans are available to hackers traveling to HackNC:

  1. Carpool with other hackers
  2. Request a $50 travel voucher
  3. Drive myself


A carpool consists of 3 or more students intending to participate in HackNC.

If you were accepted, your carpool is automatically eligible for reimbursement of the value detailed below, which roughly corresponds to the round trip cost of gas. Limit one per carpool. Qualifications for carpool grants are as follows:

  • RSVP via the link in your email
  • Drive yourself and at least 2 passengers to HackNC.
  • Submit a project at the end of HackNC.
  • Submit a copy of gas receipts by Nov. 7, 2016.

Carpool grant amounts

One-way distance Grant Amount
0 - 50 miles $0
51 - 100 miles $20
101 - 200 miles $40
201 - 300 miles $60
301 - 400 miles $80
401+ miles $100

We cannot make exceptions to this policy. Grants will be distributed after the event by mail.

Travel Vouchers

HackNC has a limited number of $50 grants available to supplement the cost of bus/train/plane tickets. These vouchers will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. A link to request a travel grant will be included in HackNC acceptance emails. Note that travel vouchers are only available to hackers traveling from OUTSIDE the NC Triangle (UNC / NC State / Duke / etc.). Please check your acceptance email for instructions to request a travel voucher.

NOTE: Applicants who submitted after Oct. 14 are not eligible for a ticket voucher. We can, however, still reimburse carpools.

Drive Myself

If you are unable to find enough occupants for a carpool, we may still be able to reimburse you. After our other travel expenses have been accounted for, we can tentatively process reimbursement requests from hackers who had 1 or 2 in the car. Please note this is not guaranteed, and consider this as a last resort. Try to make a carpool if you can!

Large Vans

Email if you are looking to coordinate a van of 6 or more. The process of receiving your grant is similar to normal carpools.

Chartered Buses

We have confirmed that a bus will be sent to Georgia Institute of Technology. GT will manage admissions to this bus internally, and GT students (or nearby schools that asked to be informed about the GT bus) should have received an email. Questions and concerns can be addressed to


Dedicated sleeping spaces will be provided within our venue. Please bring yourself a sleeping bag, blanket, or whatever else you need to get a good night's rest.

We have a limited number of air mattresses to be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis (with slight priority to those who specially requested them, and hackers traveling long distances or driving).

If you'll be needing a hotel, there are options nearby. Reach out with an email and we can point you in the right direction. Keep in mind that they can be expensive and our funding won't allow us to cover the cost.


If you have any questions about travel, shoot us an email at