Need to get started on your project? Want to learn more about our workshops? Well, this is the place to be!
Here are a few resources to help you get started on your project!
Monday, October 24, 2016 | 5:00-7:30 PM Greenlaw 101 Interactive Classroom
The hardest part of any hackathon is finding a real problem you are passionate about and willing to work on for 24 hours. In this workshop we will take you through the steps of identifying a specific and important problem, gathering information to take steps toward a solution, and how to decide what frameworks and technologies you need for your hack. Additionally, the workshop will serve as a team-building session for hackers.
Steven King is an assistant professor of multimedia and interactive journalism at The University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. He is an award-winning journalist and former Editor of Innovations and Director of Video for The Washington Post with a masters in computer science. He is a storyteller of many mediums from fiction novels to data visualizations. Steven is a Christian, husband and father of two boys living in Durham, N.C.
Tuesday, October 25, 2016 | 3:30 - 5:00 PM Murray Hall Makerspace
Hardware hacks are hard as it is. Come to this workshop to get the resources you need to build, print, and assemble your hack during the weekend. Attendees at this session will receive basic training credit to gain access to the makerspaces on campus, as well as additional tutorials on how to utilize hardware during a hackathon. The makerspace will also be available to students for use during HackNC; however, you must be trained to use this resource.
Beam@Carolina is a network of makerspaces where the UNC community can come together in the design and making of physical objects for education, research, entrepreneurship and recreation. We offer open studios, training workshops, host classes and group activities in spaces equipped with emerging technologies like 3D printing as well as wood and metalworking shops.
This will be the fourth fantastic HackNC since we started in 2014. We've grown a ton since then, and we still strive to put on an awesome event and let the hackers do their thing.